

如果使用AuthUserFile,AuthGroupFile 则也必须保证此二文件在chroot以内,这点有时不可能(因为DefaultRoot ~,每个人chroot的不一样)。

PersistentPasswd on






很快, 懒珊已经十六岁,变成了一个亭亭玉立的小?娘了。令狐冲发现自己?目光总是不由自主的在小师妹身上停留,每次和小师妹在一起的时候,总能听到自己强烈的心跳声,经过了一段时间的茶饭不思后,终于有一天晚上,令狐冲在网上给小师妹发了一首情意绵绵的诗:你是风儿我是沙,你是蜜蜂我是花,你是梳子我是头发,你是牙膏我是牙刷。

第二天,华山派开例会,令狐冲怀着忐率不按的心情来到了会议室,发现小师妹红着脸躲在师父后面,而其它的师弟都在偷偷朝自己笑,开完会,一个调皮的师弟就过来叫牙刷师兄,赶紧蒙面逃走。问陆大有,才知道是劳德诺用一个叫netxray的工具把自己在网上的大作全抓了出来。令狐冲悔恨万分,于是,闭门研究 rfc,成功的研制出lanswitch。它能够识别设备mac地址,这样,令狐冲发送给小师妹的数据只有她一个人能够收到。令狐冲晚上可以在网上放心的给小师妹讲故事,偶尔手痒还能敲几句平时心里想又说不出口的话来过瘾,然后,红着脸想象小师妹看到后的表情。


接下来的一年,岳不群大量招收门徒,华山派得以极大的壮大,所使用的lanswitch也多次级连。但门徒中难免鱼龙混杂,当时华山派一批三、四代弟子崇拜万里独行田伯光,成立了一个田协,经常广播争论比赛八百米还是一千米很合理的问题;第三代弟子中有一个叫李洪至的,每天在华山派内部广播发轮大法;更让令狐冲受不了的是,随着师父年龄的增大,变得越来越罗嗦,每句话都要重复二十遍,然后在网上广播。令狐冲想和小师妹,陆大有等人专门使用一个广播域,但如果另外使用一个lanswitch的话,师父肯定不会同意,于是,他修改了lanswitch的软件,把小师妹,陆大有等人和自己划成一个虚拟网 (vlan),其它人使用另外的vlan,广播包只在vlan内发送,vlan间通过路由器连接。岳不群也深受田协,李洪至其害,但为与左冷禅抗争,用人之际,只能隐忍,知道了这件事,大为高兴,但仍为令狐冲私自修改软件一事,罚他到思过崖面壁一年,一年之内不得下山。
在华山派内重新使用vlan进行子网划分,分为五个子网,师父和师娘,小师妹还有林平之在一个vlan,发轮功弟子用一个vlan;田协弟子用一个 vlan,其它弟子用一个vlan,而思过崖上也有单独的一个vlan。令狐冲到了思过崖,并不难过,终于,世界安静了,依靠左冷禅的路由器,令狐冲还可以每天在网上给小师妹讲故事,聊天。






一年后,令狐冲下思过崖,成功的推出quidway s8016路由交换机。实现了vlan间的互通,并且与嵩山,黑木崖等路由器实现互通。三层交换机是在二层交换机的基础上增加三层交换功能,但它不是简单的二层交换机加路由器,二而是采用了不同的转发机制。路由器的转发采用最长匹配的方式,实现复杂,通常使用软件来实现,。而三层交换机的路由查找是针对流的,它利用cache技术,很容易采用asic实现,因此,可以大大的节约成本,并实现快速转发。







Gmail Login

Gmail Inbox






Gmail Capacity



Gmail Label



Gmail Search Bar

点击Show search options后如下图,足可见功能之强大。

Gmail Advanced Search

点击Create a Filter,如下图:

Gmail Filter



Gmail Select





from:Bob label:my-friends


由于耽心误删除,人们往往花很多精力在邮件的删除工作中。在大容量和搜索的强力支持下,存档使邮件简单的从你面前消失,达到人们希望删除达到的目的,而又没有误删除的担忧。所有的存档邮件可在All Mail中看见,并且在搜索的时候也可列入搜索范围。

Gmail Archive





Gmail Conversation


由于Gmail目前还处于测试阶段,而且确实不错,空间又大,所以没有提供注册按钮,而采用一传多的方式。如果您想要拥有Gmail,则只有找到 Gmail invatation(中国人美其名曰“蛋”)。Gmail invatation只会发给Gmail现有用户,发放方式是随机发布(呜呜,我都还没有生蛋,我们同学才一天就生了,郁闷,看来碰到一只公鸡了)

Gmail Invitation


I've been using Gmail and thought you might like to try it out. Here's
an invitation to create an account.
Shen Hong has invited you to open a free Gmail account. The invitation
will expire in three weeks and can only be used to set up one account.
To accept this invitation and register for your account, visit
Once you create your account, Shen Hong will be notified with
your new @gmail.com address so you can stay in touch with Gmail!
If you haven't already heard about Gmail, it's a new search-based webmail
service that offers:
- 1,000 megabytes (one gigabyte) of free storage
- Built-in Google search that instantly finds any message you want
- Automatic arrangement of messages and related replies into
- Text ads and related pages that are relevant to the content of your
Gmail is still in an early stage of development. If you set up an
account, you'll be able to keep it even after we make Gmail more
widely available and as one of the system's early testers, you will
be helping us improve the service through your feedback. We might ask
for your comments and suggestions periodically and we appreciate your
help in making Gmail even better.
The Gmail Team
To learn more about Gmail before registering, visit:
(If clicking the URLs in this message does not work, copy and paste them
into the address bar of your browser).








Gmail Internet Options

Gmail使用了这些协议( SSL(Security Socket Layer)加密套接字协议层是世界上部署最为广泛的安全协议,每种商业测览器和服务器都在其内部使用SSL来支持安全的Web交易,TLS(Transport Layer Security)是SSL的后继。)





Gmail Trust Site

3、虽然Gmail目前还处于测试阶段,用英文编写,并且界面也为英文,但是由于Gmail Translation Work得开展,内部收发其他语言的文字,已经没有问题了:

Simplified Chinese (HZ & GBK)
Cyrillic/Ukrainian (KOI8-U)
Vietnamese (TCVN)
Hebrew (ISO-8859-8-I)
Nordic (ISO-8859-10)
Armenia (ARMSCII-8)
Thai (windows-874)




如果依然不能解决乱码,那么可能是邮件客户端的问题,可以选择more opinions

Gmail More Options

然后再选择’Show original’ 直接查看邮件源码


c 写信
u 收件箱列表
/ 搜索(不到长城非好汉,不用搜索非用Gmail),这个也是vi里面的搜索符号吧,呵呵~
n 下一封信
p 上一封信
k 下一个的对话
j 前一点的对话
o/Enter 打开对话或者展开对话
y 存档
x 选择对话
s 将信或者对话标星
r 回复
f 转发
! 报告垃圾邮件


如果你有洁癖,那么就用move to trash吧!

Gmail Trash



Gmail 就介绍到这里,其实写这篇报告时,我再一次被Gmail所感动,希望我能够将这种感动传达给读者您。





眼观现在,Gmail之前,人们整天花大力气去把邮箱整理的井井有条,结果一然为了找到一封邮件大费周遭。虽然觉得很麻烦,但却依然认为非常正常,非常合理,甚至为此欣喜;但Gmail的需求分析师们摆脱了大众意识的重重阻碍,意识到了这种方式的及其不合理之处;并且更为重要的是,他们敢于花大力气,大资本来改变人们几十年来对使用邮件的错误的行为方式和理念,也就是所谓的意识形态的东西。让人们意识到真正的邮件应该是轻松惬意的使用,而不是去算计还剩多少空间,去小心翼翼的防止误删除。来了邮件就收到,看了就放到,要找就搜到,学会享受生活,品味生活,从烦杂的工序中走出来,把这些都交给 Gmail的设计者们去实现。看似低效(因为实现复杂,花费精力大),实际上是最大程度的高效(因为功能的复用)。






首先,打开一个Microsoft Word文件;
然后, 输入 Q33NY(必须大写) (注意!这是9.11撞击世界贸易中心的其中一个航班号);
最后,将字体转成 Wingdings字体;







Simplify the way you read the web!
FeedDemon enables you to quickly read and gather information from hundreds of web sites – without having to visit them. Don’t

waste any more time checking your favorite web sites for updates. Instead, use FeedDemon and make them come to you.

FeedDemon makes RSS/Atom feeds as easy to access as your email.

Pre-configured with dozens of popular feeds, so you can start using it right away
Newspaper displays news items from dozens of sites in a single web page for easy reading
Watches collect news items containing specific words or phrases, alerting you to items of interest so you don’t have to look

for them
News Bins store your favorite news items for future reference
Integration with Feedster and other popular RSS search engines
Built-in tabbed browser for surfing the web within FeedDemon
Support for Atom 0.3 and all versions of RSS
Easy to use for beginners, yet powerful enough to please the most sophisticated news junkie
FeedDemon is a native Windows application, so it runs fast and does NOT require the bulky .NET runtime.

FeedDemon™ 1.10 Release Notes
Copyright © 2003-2004 Bradbury Software, LLC
Build date: June 3, 2004
What’s New in FeedDemon 1.10
Added: Basic support for Atom 0.3 feeds
Added: “Update All Channel Groups” (Shift+Ctrl+F5) added to Tools > Update menu
Added: Search box added to channel bar, which enables searching downloaded news items in the current group or all groups.

Right clicking on the search results displays a context menu which includes options to convert the search results to a watch

or a news bin.
Added: Web search added to browser toolbar
Added: Generic “Date” column to news item list, which contains pubDate if it exists, received date otherwise. This new column

is the only date column shown by default – both the “received” and “published” columns are hidden. This also affects the

default sorting and grouping (both are now set to the generic date), which may change how you’re used to seeing news items

Added: The “Group By” selection now enables grouping news items by title. Items with the same title, or items with the same

title preceeded by RE:, are grouped together. Use this along with the new “Forum” style when browsing feeds generated from

newsgroups or online forums.
Added: Support for IE’s form auto-completion inside FeedDemon’s browser
Added: Shift+Ctrl+H shortcut for “hide read news items.” Note that you’ll need to assign this shortcut yourself if you

previously customized FeedDemon’s shortcuts.
Added: “Match all keywords” option added to watches. When enabled, only news items containing all keywords will be matched.
Added: After creating a watch channel, you are now asked if you’d like to run the watch on existing news items
Added: Support for the “feed URI scheme” (feed:// protocol). At startup, FeedDemon prompts to make it the default aggregator

if it’s not the registered application for the feed protocol. This prompt may be disabled on the General tab in Options.
Added: Double-clicking a news item now browses to its link. If you have “Open external links in default browser” selected,

this will launch the page in your default browser, otherwise it will show in FeedDemon. If is held down, the opposite

will occur.
Added: “Forum” newspaper style
Added: “Mega” newspaper styles (3)
Added: “Popbox” newspaper styles (2)
Added: “Nightfall” newspaper style
Added: “Manage cache” added to File menu, which enables moving FeedDemon’s cache folder
Added: Support for XP SP2’s local machine zone lockdown
Added: FeedDemon now enables drag-and-drop of URLs onto its main window. If the URL is a newsfeed, then FeedDemon will show

the “New Channel” wizard; if it’s an OPML file, it will show the “New Group” wizard; otherwise, it will navigate to that URL

in the integrated browser.
Added: Drag-and-drop reordering of channel bar groups
Added: Desktop alert can now be dragged
Added: “Show validation errors in new channels” added to General page in Options. When this is enabled (which it is by

default), FeedDemon will check new channels for well-formedness and display an error dialog if any problems are found. This

dialog includes a link to the Feed Validator, so authors can check their feeds for additional problems. Note that this dialog

doesn’t prevent subscribing to a feed – it simply warns that the feed contains errors which might affect how FeedDemon

displays it.
Added: FeedDemon’s popup blocker can now be overridden by holding down
Added: Support for BlogJet, BlogWizard and ecto (1.0 RC4 or later) as “BlogThis” tools
Added: Timeout setting added to connection options
Added: “Import OPML File” added to File menu (this was possible in 1.0, but wasn’t explicit)
Changed: The default newspaper filter is now “Unread News” instead of “Today’s News”
Changed: The default value for automatically marking items as read has changed from five seconds to three seconds
Changed: The cleanup wizard now remembers your selections
Changed: Hiding the filter bar now removes the keyword filter
Changed: The max # of channels per group has been increased from 500 to 999
Changed: Rearranged browser-related toolbuttons to accomodate new “Web Search”
Changed: Removed “View address bar” (address bar is now always visible)
Changed: In previous releases the newspaper filter would be hidden when not applicable, but now it’s simply disabled
Changed: When a channel fails to update due to a connection problem (404, etc.), the error icon is no longer removed after

clicking it in the channel bar
Changed: Pressing Enter while typing keywords into a watch now adds the current entry to the list of keywords
Changed: The collapsed/expanded state of channel bar groups is now retained
Changed: The system tray “info balloon” has been replaced with an Outlook-style desktop alert
Changed: Trial version now allows 20 days rather than 30 uses
Changed: OPML files that are missing type=”rss” are still imported, so long as each outline node uses the xmlUrl attribute.
Fixed: Cleanup wizard fails to remove news items
Fixed: “CDATA error” in newspaper with feeds containing a null (hex 00) character
Fixed: EOF error when showing newspaper if cache folder contains a single quote or ampersand
Fixed: News item sort order not retained
Fixed: Auto-discovery shows incorrect newsfeed URL when browsing pages which contain Google AdSense ads
Fixed: Local feeds are always re-parsed even when they haven’t been modified since the last update
Fixed: If a channel is deleted, the summary will contain a “ghost” of that channel if FeedDemon is abnormally shutdown
Fixed: Read items sporadically being marked as unread
Fixed: Double-clicking a news item when the preview is hidden doesn’t re-display the preview
Fixed: Newspaper filter dropdown doesn’t appear after moving cache to a UNC folder
Fixed: Current news item doesn’t appear in browser after clicking splitter to unhide the browser
Fixed: Search channels extend beyond height of “New Search Channel” dialog
Fixed: Access violation when clicking newspaper filter selection immediately after typing a URL in the address bar
Fixed: IntelliPoint 4.x “Scroll one page at a time” (WHEEL_PAGESCROLL) not supported in news item list
Fixed: Watches fail to treat the | character as a word delimiter when matching whole words only
Fixed: Channel bar hints show last update date/time as GMT instead of local date/time
Fixed: FeedDemon fails to detect the in OPML files whose titles are contained in CDATA sections<br /> Fixed: Favorites menu incorrectly draws items containing an ampersand<br /> Fixed: FeedDemon resets the language the first time a new beta is started, but the welcome wizard still shows the previously</p> <p>-selected language<br /> Fixed: FeedDemon incorrectly handles OPML links which use the feed:// protocol<br /> Fixed: Hiding browser leaves browser toolbar showing<br /> Fixed: Feeds with line feeds in their titles can’t be added<br /> Fixed: Back/forward buttons aren’t correctly handled with all mouse drivers<br /> Fixed: Double-clicking system tray icon when alert is showing doesn’t bring FeedDemon to the front<br /> Fixed: Address bar shows incorrect URL after prolonged use with multiple browser tabs<br /> Fixed: After right-clicking on empty browser tab to show context menu, context menu appears again when left-clicking anywhere</p> <p>else<br /> Fixed: Single key reading with spacebar doesn’t work with search results<br /> Fixed: Items in search results don’t show their source channel name in FeedDemon’s newspaper<br /> Fixed: Channel bar context menu doesn’t display when clicking a group caption<br /> Fixed: Title not extracted from entries in Atom feeds<br /> Fixed: Search box disappears after clicking “Search” button with no search keyword specified<br /> Fixed: Context menu doesn’t appear when right-clicking on search textbox<br /> Fixed: Group captions in the channel bar always use MS Sans Serif font<br /> Fixed: Clicking a feed validator link displays the “New Channel” wizard<br /> Fixed: Refresh toolbutton fails to refresh the browser when viewing an external site<br /> Fixed: pipe characters in channel names cause channel bar tooltip to be truncated<br /> Fixed: When current month is January, the “Last month” filter fails to show news items published in December. Likewise, the</p> <p>“Last week” filter fails to show items published the last week of December when it’s currently the first week in January.<br /> Fixed: Max HTTP connections setting (Tools > Options > Connection) doesn’t register keyboard input<br /> Fixed: Synchronize with OPML doesn’t show or use htmlUrl, causing channel <link> to be left empty<br /> Fixed: Synchronize with OPML always considers newsfeed URLs containing & as new<br /> Fixed: When using XP’s classic theme, or when running on a version of Windows prior to XP, the channel bar and the news item</p> <p>list use different scrollbar styles<br /> Fixed: When creating a new channel group, the OPML URL is always set to the same URL as the last time the dialog was shown,</p> <p>regardless of whether a URL is in the clipboard<br /> Fixed: Channel properties shows overlapped text on large font displays<br /> Fixed: Deleting a channel group fails with read-only OPML files<br /> Fixed: Resizing main window causes browser splitter to jump to right side<br /> Fixed: Web pages that use JavaScript to resize themselves or hide their scrollbars may display incorrectly in FeedDemon<br /> Fixed: Garbage in status bar and other UI elements on Japanese Windows<br /> Fixed: FeedDemon doesn’t restore from a minimized window when called by another application</p> <p>——————————————————————————–</p> <p>Known Issues<br /> FeedDemon’s date calculations are ISO 8601 compliant, which means that they treat Monday as the first day of the week. As a</p> <p>result, grouping news items by date may show Sunday of the current week as “Last Week.”<br /> Although FeedDemon supports Unicode (see below), Unicode characters in channel titles may not display correctly in</p> <p>FeedDemon’s channel bar.<br /> Since Windows 98 and Windows ME don’t fully support Unicode, FeedDemon must be run on Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows</p> <p>2003 for it to correctly display Unicode newsfeeds.<br /> In rare cases, JavaScript bugs in Web pages may result in FeedDemon displaying a “Floating point exception” error message.</p> <p>This error message may prevent these pages from being displayed in FeedDemon’s browser, but it is otherwise harmless.<br /> FeedDemon internally maps elements in Atom feeds to RSS, so features of Atom newsfeeds that aren’t available in RSS may not</p> <p>be supported.<br /> Technical Support<br /> Please refer to the following online resources for the latest technical support information:<br /> Support Home – http://www.bradsoft.com/support/<br /> Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – http://www.bradsoft.com/support/faq/<br /> Support Forums – http://www.bradsoft.com/forums/<br /> Minimum System Requirements<br /> 300MHz PC running Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or 2003<br /> Internet Explorer 6<br /> 64MB RAM or OS minimum (whichever is greater)</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="byline"><span class="author vcard"><img alt='' src='https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/035e731108bff041628485895106672c?s=49&d=mm&r=g' srcset='https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/035e731108bff041628485895106672c?s=98&d=mm&r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-49 photo' height='49' width='49' loading='lazy' decoding='async'/><span class="screen-reader-text">作者 </span> <a class="url fn n" href="https://blog.axqd.net/?author=1">axqd</a></span></span><span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">发布于 </span><a href="https://blog.axqd.net/?p=320" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date 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