Is This Still The VPN?

VPN Server:PPTPD For Linux
VPN Client:PPTP Client For Linux
Connect/Disconnect Command:pon / poff $Tunnel
MPPE support in kernel
* How to Check:modprobe ppp-compress-18 && echo Success
* How to Install:
a.Prepare the system for kernel package building:
gcc bin86 libc6-dev bzip2 kernel-package kernel-patch-mppe
b.Install, unpack, and clean the kernel source package
make-kpkg clean
c.Copy /boot/config* ./.config
d.Build the kernel package:
–added-patches mppe
–append-to-version -mppe
–config oldconfig
[–initrd kernel-image](Not Woody Version)
e. When you are prompted for the CONFIG_PPP_MPPE option, type m and press Enter.
f. Don’t forget to reboot.
/etc/ppp/chap-secret for username & password
/etc/pptpd.conf for remoteip
/etc/ppp/chap-secret for host & username & password
/etc/ppp/peers/ for tunnel
For Ease:
pptpconfig(GUI):Helper to config the pptp client.
Case Study:
202.*.*.200: VPN Server(VPN:*.17.1)
202.*.*.233: VPN Client(VPN:172.*.0.35)(It’s mine:()
What is interesting:
Get blocked without the IP assigned by the DHCP Server
So How to make use of the 172.*.0.35?
a.Transfer the DHCP information through the VPN Tunnel(Under Study)
b.iptables & ‘ip route’:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -d 172.*.17.1 -j DNAT –to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s 172.*.0.35 -j SNAT –to
(Client)route add -net 172.*.0.0/16 dev eth*
But I Wonder:
Is This Still The VPN?

《Is This Still The VPN?》有2个想法

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